Personal Data Privacy and Protection platform integration with Microsoft OneNote
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Personal Data Privacy and Protection platform integration with Microsoft SharePoint
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Customer is a leading Personal Data Privacy and Protection provider.
It enables organizations to discover and map all types of data from all enterprise data sources; automatically classify, correlate, and catalog identity & entity data into profiles; manage and protect enterprise data with advanced data intelligence; and automate data privacy and protection.
It identifies all PII across structured, unstructured, cloud & Big Data.

Customer requested to build a Connector app to integrate their platform with Microsoft Planner to scan the plans data for finding the PII information.
Technology Solution
The Microsoft Graph API offers a single endpoint to provide access to rich, people-centric data and insights exposed as resources of Microsoft 365 services
Microsoft Planner is a planning application available on the Microsoft Office 365 platform
Sacumen developed the Connector app to integrate Microsoft Planner using C# 8.0 (.NET Core 3.0). The Connector app performs the following actions:
Set up the prerequisites
O365 Account with Admin privileges
The registered app which will give the client id & client secret
Grant the required permissions (Group.Read.All and Group.ReadWrite.All)
Requests for access token by using OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow which uses the client id and the client secret and requires the user to sign-in
Retrieves the plans and its task details (drive items) using the Microsoft Graph Planner API and the access token.
Samples the fetched data using predefined sampling techniques
Formats the data and pass it to the customer
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