
A Leader in API Management(APIM)

Service Portfolio

Product Re-engineering


Scalable SaaS API gateway with latest tech stack enabled client to handle processing of huge volume of data at faster pace

Faster product versions roll-out ( 2 months to 1 week) through DevOps integration

Newer integrations build on Open-source protocols and frameworks enabled growing partner ecosystem and win new clients


Lengthy cycle times for new product release and high operational cost

Limited Technical expertise in building SaaS based Multi-tenant product

Product supportability challenges with huge backlog

Existing support team capacity/expansion challenges

Sacumen Solution

Architecture specification using OSS suite of Apache Druid, Apache Kafka, Zookeeper and MinIO in containerized docker format on Kubernetes (v1.14) platform. Purpose built for high performance (1-5 Bi messages/day), minimal resource utilization (16GB memory) and high availability via horizontal scaling and clustering

Brought together disparate Client products (SSO, API Gateway, 2FA) to develop a Multi factor Authentication solution for Mobile API Access. Best practices applied for loosely coupled complex systems

Applied industry standards such as CNCF, IEFT, W3C, InfoQ, and industry leading technologies such as, Kubernetes, Open Policy Agent, Istio Service Mesh, APIM standards such as OpenAPI, OAuth and OIDC, Security standards like TLS, FIDO

System Integration architecture for APIM SaaS with OKTA Cloud Identity for multi-tenant, SaaS IAM solution

L2/L3 support

Technologies: Java, Kaka

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